Un F-16 olandez a atacat turnul de controlDutch F-16 attacks control tower

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f-16 flaresUn avion F-16 apartinand Fortelor Aeriene Regale Olandeze a atacat turnul de control al poligonului Vliehors de pe insula Vlieland.

Din primele informatii ajunse in presa, se pare ca pilotul olandez a confundat turnul de control cu tinta sa, care se afla la o distanta de 500 de metri.

Cateva proiectile de 20 mm trase cu tunul de bord al avionului F-16 au lovit turnul de control, provocand avarii minore. Din fericire, cei doi ofiteri care se aflau in turn pentru a supraveghea tragerea din poligon nu au fost raniti.

O comisie de ancheta va investiga acest incident.

Remarcabil, este pentru a treia oara cand turnul de control al poligonului Vliehors este atacat in timpul unor exercitii. Prima lovitura a primit-o in 1992, atunci cand un F-16 danez a lansat o racheta aer-sol catre acesta, ranind un militar. Apoi, in 2001, un Tornado german a tras si el cu tunul de bord in turn, fara a rani pe cineva.f-16 flaresAn F-16 fighter jet from the Royal Netherlands Air Force attacked the control tower at the Vliehors range, located on Vlieland island.

It seems that the Dutch pilot mistook the control tower for its target, which was at a distance of 500 meters.

Some 20 mm projectiles fired from F-16’s cannon hit the tower, causing minor damage. Fortunately, the two officers who were in tower to supervise the shooting exercise were not injured.

A commission will investigate the incident.

Remarkably, it is the third time when the Vliehors range control tower is attacked during some exercises. The first incident occured in 1992, when a Danish F-16 shot an air-to-ground missile, wounding a soldier. Then, in 2001, a German Tornado and fired with the gun at the tower.

About Post Author

Marius Doroftei

Fondator si redactor-sef al site-ului AviatiaMagazin.com, jurnalist cu peste 10 ani de experienta in presa online, pasionat de tot ce tine de aviatie, in special de cea militara.
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