Surplus de avioane second hand pe piata internationalaMany second-hand fighters on international market

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f-16In momentul de fata pe piata internationala exista un surplus de avioane la mana a doua, tot mai multe tari aratandu-se interesate de vanzarea aparatelor folosite si scoase din uz.

Plecand de la cazul concret al Argentinei, care vrea sa cumpere o escadrila (12 aparate) de avioane folosite ajungem la optiunile care exista acum pe piata.

Asa cum am mai scris, argentinienii au negociat in ultima vreme cu guvernul spaniol pentru Mirage F1M, insa, din cate se pare, discutiile au intrat in impas.

Pentru sud-americani nu pare sa fie o problema, intrucat au multe alte optiuni. Franta este gata sa vanda Mirage 2000, Brazilia are si ea o escadrila de Mirage 2000 proaspat disponibilizata iar Israelul cauta de zor clienti pentru modernizatul Kfir Block60.

De altfel, aceasta ultima varianta pare cea mai tentanta pentru sud-americani, existand o propunere pentru 18 avioane Kfir la pretul de 500 de milioane de dolari.

Mergand mai departe pe urmele avioanelor second hand, pe piata ar putea aparea in curand o multime de F-16 Bk15, Belgia, Olanda si Danemarca disponibilizand unitati serioase. Si in Statele Unite se afla in conservare un numar destul de mare de F-16. f-16At this moment there is a surplus of second-hand aircraft on the international market , many countries showing interest selling used and obsolete airplanes.

Starting from the specific case of Argentina, who wants to buy a second hand squadron (12 planes) we can look at the options that exist now on the market.

As I have written lately, the Argentines have negotiated with the Spanish government for Mirage F1M. But apparently the talks went into deadlock. For the south-americans seems will not be an issue, as they have many other options.

France is ready to sell Mirage 2000, Brazil also has a squadron of Mirage 2000 fresh scrapped and Israel is looking for clients for it’s Kfir Bk.60. This last option seems the most tempting for Argentina. There is a proposal for 18 Kfir jets at 500 million dollars.

Going forward on the second hand jets trail, on the market will soon appear a lot of F -16 Bk15. Belgium, the Netherlands and Denmark will scrap a bunch of those. And there are more F-16s on storage in the United States.

About Post Author

Marius Doroftei

Fondator si redactor-sef al site-ului, jurnalist cu peste 10 ani de experienta in presa online, pasionat de tot ce tine de aviatie, in special de cea militara.
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