Prototipul cu numarul cinci al avionului stealth Suhoi T-50 a efectuat recent primul zbor. Pana aici, nimic deosebit, acest prim zbor fiind o faza normala si asteptata in procesul de dezvoltare a aparatului de generatia 5.
Ce a suprins cu adevarat a fost noua schema de camuflaj a avionului „invizibil”, una intr-adevar superba, care pare ca i se potriveste ca o manusa.
Primul zbor al prototipului cinci, cu numarul de bord 055, a fost efectuat de pilotul sef Suhoi, Yury Vashchuk, unul dintre cei mai experimentati si apreciati piloti rusi.
Interesanta este si declaratia lui Alexander Davidenko, inginerul sef de la Suhoi, care spune ca acest prototip a inglobat toate imbunatatirile realizate pana acum in cadrul programului de dezvoltare si ca este foarte aproape de varianta de serie.
Primul Suhoi T-50 de serie va fi livrat Fortelor Aeriene Ruse in anul 2016.
Foto via russianplanes.netSukhoi T-50 fifth prototype made its first flight recently. So far, nothing special, being a normal and expected stage in the development process of the 5-generation fighter jet.
What really surprised was the new camouflage scheme of the „invisible” fighter. It’s really gorgeous and seems like it fits like a glove on the T-50.
First flight of the fifth prototype (board number 055) was performed by Sukhoi chief pilot, Yury Vashchuk, one of the most experienced Russian pilots.
Also interesting is the statement of Alexander Davydenko, chief engineer of Sukhoi, who said that the prototype has all the improvements made so far in the development program and it is very close to the production series.
First production Sukhoi T-50 will be delivered to Russian Air Force in 2016.
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