Romania va avea primul avion Spartan echipat pentru lupta impotriva incendiilorAn innovative fire fighting system approved for the C-27J Spartan

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C-27J_RomaniaFortele Aeriene Romane vor avea primul avion C-27J Spartan echipat pentru lupta impotriva incendiilor.

Italienii de la Alenia au lucrat intens in ultimele luni la perfectarea si omologarea propriului sistem de lupta impotriva incendiilor, denumit Caylym Guardian.

In aceasta vara un Spartan al Fortelor Aeriene Romane a efectuat mai multe misiuni de testare a acestui sistem in Muntii Carpati iar rezultatele au fost multumitoare.

Sistemul Caylym Guardian consta, practic, in sase bazine construite dintr-un carton special umplute cu apa sau cu lichid special pentru stingerea incendiilor. Acestea sunt aruncate pe trapa din spate a Spartanului in locurile cele mai sensibile ale incendiilor, precizia fiind remarcabila.

Fiecare bazin are o capacitate de o mie de litri iar materialul este biodegradabil.

Romania trebuie sa primeasca ultimul avion C-27J Spartan in anul 2014. Va fi ultimul aparat din comanda initiala a Fortelor Aeriene si primul din lume echipat cu acest sistem de lupta impotriva incendiilor.

C-27J_RomaniaOne of the Romanian Air Force’s C-27Js will be the first aircraft in Europe to use an innovative firefighting system. In the several past weeks, Alenia Aermacchi conducted intense operating and training tests on the aircraft, which included the new fire fighting system onboard.

Alenia Aermacchi recently completed an experimental campaign in a Romanian mountain range with a C-27J that operates with the Fortele Aeriene Române —the Romanian Air Force. The objective of the campaign was to test the innovative firefighting system called Caylym Guardian. The system allows C-27Js to drop up to six large cardboard containers on bushfires; each container has a capacity of 1000 liters water or extinguishing liquid, says Alenia.

The system allows for a quick, accurate and innovative way to fight bushfires. Using the C27J’s system of in flight drop, the Guardian guarantees extreme precision of the drop and creates a retardant liquid cloud well focused on the target. Containers are biodegradable but they can also be recovered by ground firefighters.

Containers feature standard dimensions type A22 which can be installed on aircraft of C-130 and C-27J’s class without any peculiar equipment or modification and can be launched at higher altitudes (1.500 feet) than traditional firefighting aircraft, thus significantly increasing mission safety and allowing night operations.
The tests, performed both on ground and in flight, have proved successful and have thus confirmed the great operating flexibility of the C-27J, whose wider fuselage section and flight characteristics allow it to manage loads and perform missions that other aircraft of its same class cannot.

About Post Author

Marius Doroftei

Fondator si redactor-sef al site-ului, jurnalist cu peste 10 ani de experienta in presa online, pasionat de tot ce tine de aviatie, in special de cea militara.
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