Romania cumpara F-16: S-a semnat contractul cu Portugalia si am platit prima rataRomania buys F-16. Contract was signed and first instalment was paid

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f-16 mig 21 CT1De-acum e clar, Romania va achizitiona 12 avioane multirol (?!?) F-16 la mana a treia. Tara noastra a semnat contractul cu Portugalia si a achitat prima din cele cinci rate anuale in valoare de aproximativ 100 de milioane de euro.

Din informatiile facute publice pana in acest moment, programul ne costa 628 de milioane de euro. Banii acestia vor fi folositi pentru cumpararea a 12 avioane F-16 (9 dintre ele fiind folosite de Portugalia iar trei de Statele Unite), pentru modernizarea lor, pentru piese de schimb, armament si pentru pregatirea personalului roman. Alt bani, aproximativ 50 de milioane de euro, sunt investiti in modernizarea infrastructurii.

Potrivit ministrului Apararii, un grup de piloti si tehnicieni romani va pleca in perioada urmatoare in Portugalia, pentru prima etapa a programului de scolarizare. A doua etapa se va desfasura in Statele Unite si inca nu e clar daca este inclusa in cele 628 de milioane de euro sau va fi platita separat.

Primele avioane F-16 vor ajunge in tara in anul 2016, urmand ca in 2017 intreaga escadrila sa fie operationala. Momentul ar coincide cu scoterea din dotarea Fortelor Aeriene Romane a MiG-ului 21 LanceR.

Controverse contractuale

Contractul dintre Romania si Portugalia este unul extrem de dubios, contestabil si controversat. In primul rand, din cate stim, nu a existat nicio negociere si nicio studiere a pietei. Desi oficialii au spus ca s-au analizat mai multe optiuni, ei nu stiau, de exemplu, ca Statele Unite ne-ar fi putut vinde direct F-16 la mana a doua, fara intermediarul portughez, nu stiau ca Israelul vinde avioane Kfir modernizate, nu stiau ca Suedia este dispusa sa vanda Gripen la mana a doua iar Saab ofera un leasing extrem de avantajos pentru acelasi avion. In fine, nu stiau ca in perioada imediat urmatoare Belgia, Olanda sau Danemarca vor disponibiliza mai multe F-16.

In al doilea rand, contractul de achizitie este inca secret. Din informatiile care au scapat in presa, acest contract este unul profund dezavatajos pentru tara noastra, facut doar in interesul celor doi parteneri straini – Portugalia si SUA.

In al treilea rand, avioanele. Acestea sunt prea vechi, prea folosite, prea putine si prea scumpe. Cele 12 F-16 au peste 30 de ani vechime, sunt in a doua parte a duratei de viata, cand exploatarea este din ce in ce mai dificila si mai scumpa. Vorbim de numai o escadrila, una care cu greu poate asigura protectiei spatiului aerian propriu si pregatirea constanta a personalului. Despre modernizarea avioanelor ni s-a spus doar ca va fi de ultima generatie, desi standardul Block 40, cel care ni se vantura prin fata, e departe de a fi de ultima generatie.

In al patrulea rand, diferendele romano-portugheze. Daca ministrul nostru spune ca aparatele F-16 vor avea motoare noi, portughezii spun ca vor fi motoare la mana a doua, reconditionate. Nu putem sa nu ne intrebam ce va mai fi la mana a doua pe aceste avioane…

Romania va cumpara F-16, este o certitudine. La cum a fost facut contractul de achizitie, sunt sanse mari ca aceste avioane la mana a treia sa fie mai proaste decat batranele noastre MiG-uri 21.f-16 mig 21 CT1Now it is clear, Romania will buy12 multi-role aircraft (?!?) F- 16 at third hand. Our country has signed the contract with Portugal and has paid first of the five annual installments, worth approximately 100 million euros.

From the information released so far, the program will cost us 628 million euros. This money will be used to buy 12 F- 16 (9 of them being used for Portugal and three from the United States), for their modernization, spare parts, weapons and personnel training. Other money, about 50 million are invested in modernization of our airbases.

According to the Minister of Defense, a group of pilots and technicians (9 pilots and 75 technicians) will go in Portugal for the first stage of the training program. The second stage will take place in the United States and still not clear if included in the 628 million or will be paid separately.

The first F-16s will arrive in our country in 2016 and the whole squadron to be operational in 2017. The timing coincides with the retirement of MiG- 21 Lancers from the Romanian Air Force.

Contractual controversies

The agreement between Romania and Portugal is extremely dubious, questionable and controversial.

First, for all we know, there was no negotiation and no market research. Although officials said they have considered several options, they did not know for example, the United States would sell us second hand F -16 without the portuguese intermediary, they were unaware that Israel sells upgraded Kfir fighters, unaware that Sweden is willing to sell second hand Gripen and Saab provides highly advantageous leasing for the same plane. Finally, they didn’t knew that in the next period Belgium, Netherlands and Denmark will allot some F -16.

Second , the purchase agreement is still secret. From the information that got out in the press, this contract is deeply detrimental for us and its made ​​only in the interest of the two foreign partners – Portugal and USA.

The jets are too old, too used, few and too expensive. The 12 F -16s are over 30 years old. They are in the second half of operational life, when the operation is becoming increasingly difficult and expensive. Moreover, its only a squadron, that can hardly ensure proper airspace protection and constant training of staff.

If our minister says the F -16s will have new engines Portuguese partner said it will be second hand engines, reconditioned. We can now ask what elsewill be the second hand on these planes …

Romania will buy F -16, is a certainty. And looking at how procurement contract was made, chances are that these third hand planes to be much worse than our old ladies MiGs 21.

About Post Author

Marius Doroftei

Fondator si redactor-sef al site-ului, jurnalist cu peste 10 ani de experienta in presa online, pasionat de tot ce tine de aviatie, in special de cea militara.
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