Polonia a vandut unei companii nord-americane 25 de avioane MiG-21 folosite pana acum un deceniu de propriile Forte Aeriene. Si mai interesant este ca aparatele supersonice vor fi folosite pentru a simula agresorii in cadrul exercitiilor aviatorilor militari americani.
MiG-urile 21 au fost folosite de polonezi din 1961 si pana in 2003, atunci cand au fost retrase si inlocuite cu noile F-16 Bk.50. Aflate in conservare de un deceniu, avioanele si-au gasit, astfel, un cumparator.
Potrivit companiei Draken International, este vorba despre MiG-uri 21 Bis si UM, insa nu sunt specificate cantitatile.
O parte dintre avioane au trecut deja Oceanul, ajungand in Lakeland, Florida, acolo unde au primit si o vopsea speciala.
Draken International detine mai mult de 50 de avioane ex-militare, pe langa MiG-uri in flota firmei figurand A-4K Skyhawk, Aermacchi MB-339CB sau L-39 Albatros. Aceste aparate sunt complet operationale si sunt inchiriate de Draken pentru a simula inamicii in cadrul exercitiilor tactice din SUA si/sau Canada.
Poland sold 25 MiGs 21 fighter jets to a north-americam company. Interesting fact is that the supersonic jets will be used to simulate aggressors in air combat exercises of american military pilots.
The MiGs were used by Polish Air Force since 1961 and were withdrawn in 2003 only to be replaced with the new F -16 Bk.50. After a decade of conservation, planes have found a buyer.
According to the Draken International company, they bought MiG-21 in versions Bis and UM, but they didn’t specified quantities.
Some of the planes have crossed the Ocean, arriving in Lakeland, Florida, where they received a special paint job.
Draken International has more than 50 ex -military aircraft, and in the fleet, besides MiGs, are some A- 4K Skyhawks, Aermacchi MB- 339CBs or L -39 Albatros. These jets are fully operational and Draken rent them to simulate the agressors at tactical aerial exercises from the U.S. and / or Canada.
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