Vreau sa va prezint de aceasta data o poveste mai putin obisnuita. Este vorba despre un parasutist care si-a pierdut cunostinta la inceputul saltului si care a fost salvat de colegi. Ca-n filme.
James Lee este un parasutist in varsta de 25 de ani din Anglia. In timpul unui salt obisnuit, cel de-al 1.050-lea pentru el, a fost lovit in ceafa de un coleg si si-a pierdut partial cunostinta.
A inceput sa cada necontrolat, insa a avut mare noroc cu ceilalti colegi. Observandu-l, unul dintre ei s-a apropiat si l-a intrebat (prin semne specifice) daca este ok iar un altul i-a deschis parasuta.
Atentie, totul se intampla undeva intre trei si patru mii de metri!
Lee si-a revenit in apropierea solului, cu parasuta de mult deschisa, reusind sa aterizeze in siguranta.
I want to show you an amazing story. It’s about a skydiver that was left unconscious at 12.000 feet and was saved by his friends. Just like in the movies.
James Lee (25) is a skydiver from England. During a normal jump, the 1,050 th for him, Lee was hit in the head by a colleague and partially lost consciousness.
He started to fall uncontrollably, but had great luck with his friends. Observing him, one of them approached and asked (by specific signs) if it is ok and another opened his parachute.
Please note that everything happens somewhere between 10.000 and 12.000 feet!
Lee recovered consciousness near the ground, with the parachute opened and managed to land safely.
Atentie la formularea textului. Cand am citit „inconstient” am crezut initial ca a facut careva vreo prostie !
Ar fi fost mai bine : in stare de inconstienta !