In epoca avioanelor multirol cat mai economice, Rusia e gata sa ne ofere o imagine de pe vremea URSS-ului. Cum, va intrebati? Cu un interceptor bazat pe MiG-31 care ar urma sa aiba o viteza maxima de 4 Mach si chiar peste.
Nu, nu e o gluma. Alexander Tarnaev, deputat in Duma de Stat si membru in Comisia pentru Aparare a dezvaluit ca proiectul interceptorului MiG-41 a fost demarat.
„Decizia a fost luata deja, Seful Statului Major General a semnat documentele pentru demararea proiectului MiG-41”, a spus acesta.
Deputatul a precizat ca MiG-41 se va baza pe existentul MiG-31, despre care se spune ca va reintra in productie cat de curand: „Vom folosi toate avantajele pe care le-am dobandit in programul MiG-31.”
Ei bine, noul interceptor va fi, la fel ca in perioada URSS, mai mare, mai frumos, mai stralucitor, va zbura mai repede si mai sus decat orice alt aparat al imperialistilor. Ce se stie despre noul proiect este ca se tinteste spre o viteza maxima de Mach 4 sau chiar 4,3.
Ramane insa de vazut daca nu e vorba doar despre declaratii sforaitoare ale rusilor pe fondul tensiunilor cu Occidentul. Oricum, nu stiu de ce am vaga impresie ca oamenii lui Putin sunt blocati in 1978.
There is not very much known because it is, just like all top modern military projects, very secret.
But we do know that there is a program going on as the deputy Alexander Tarnaev at the Russian State Duma Defense Committee said this during an interview at the Cultural Center of the Russian Armed Forces: “The corresponding decision was taken by the Chief of the General Staff; he has already signed the document to carry out research work on the MiG-41 project”. We also know that the new MiG will be based off of the Foxhound as Tarnaev also said this about the project: “Will embody all the advantages of the MiG-31 fighter-interceptor jet”.
To do this they will need testing platforms, which might be why hundreds of MiG-31s will be overhauled and put into service with the Russian Air Force.
What we will see when the MiG-41 will be introduced is still unknown as the project is rather new and not very much has been leaked. However when looking at how the MiG-31 developed from the Foxbat and thinking about the MiG-41’s mach 4.0 (even 4.3) capability we can say that it will probably be a heavily armed interceptor with high service ceiling and – obviously – a very high speed.
Nu cred ca sint blocati in 1978,poate fi un prototip,noi stim ca ivanii gindesc cu 20 de mutari inainte.