Iranul iese din nou in evidenta, statul arab prezentand o noua drona strategica.
Aceasta se numeste Fotros si, potrivit iranienilor, este „cel mai mare avion fara pilot din tara”, beneficiind si de o serie de capabilitati speciale. Care au ramas speciale, cei curiosi avand totusi sansa ghicitului.
Din ce spun oficialii, Fotros are o autonomie de 30 de ore de zbor, timp in care ar putea parcurge aproximativ doua mii de kilometri.
Prezentarea noului UAV a avut loc in capitala Teheran in prezenta ministrului Apararii, generalul de brigada Hossein Dehqan.
Interesant este faptul ca iranienii au decis sa agate si doua rachete aer-sol de noua drona, doar-doar or speria vreun imperialist.
Iran manage to attract again world’s attention by presenting a new strategic UAV.
The drone is called Fotros and according to Iranians is the „largest unmanned aircraft in the country”, having some special capabilities. From what officials said, Fotros has a endurance of 30 flight hours and in this time it could fly for about 2.000 kilometers/
Presentation of the new UAV took place in the Iranian capital of Tehran in the presence of Minister of Defence, Brigadier General Hossein Dehqan.
Interestingly, the Iranians decided to hook it up with two air-to-ground missiles.
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