Royal Air Force a publicat recent cateva imagini cu bombardierele Tu-95 interceptate de Eurofightere in apropierea Scotiei.
Englezii trateaza destul de lejer „vizita” rusilor, textul care insoteste fotografiile fiind pe alocuri chiar amuzant.
„RAF le ureaza bun venit „Ursilor” din Rusia
Avioanele RAF au primit o vizita interesanta miercuri, 23 aprilie, vizitatorii venind tocmai din Rusia. Avioane Typhoon aflate in alarma au decolat de la baza aeriana Leuchars pentru a identifica avioanele necunoscute care se apropiau de spatiul aerian NATO din nordul Scotiei. Iar avioanele au fost identificate ca bombardiere rusesti Tu-95 Bear care efectuau un zbor de rutina in spatiul aerian international.”
Asadar, nimic neobisnuit 🙂
The RAF recently published a series of photos with Eurofighter Typhoon jets intercepting a pair of Russian bombers near Scotland.
The Brits treat this incident lightly, as we can see from an official statement:
„RAF Typhoons Welcome Russian Bears
The RAF met some interesting visitors on Wednesday 23rd April namely some Russian visitors. RAF Typhoon Quick Reaction Alert (QRA) aircraft were launched from RAF Leuchars to determine the identity of unknown aircraft that approached the NATO Air Policing Area north of Scotland. The aircraft were identified as Russian TU-95 Bear aircraft carrying out a routine training sortie in international airspace.
6 Squadron Typhoon Pilot Flt Lt Gary Montgomery said:
„Typhoon Quick Reaction Alert stands ready to scramble at a moments notice, 24/7, all year long, to maintain the integrity of UK airspace. We scrambled on 23 April to intercept two unknown aircraft approaching the NATO Air Policing Area from the north. We intercepted and flew within visual range and identified them as Russian Tu-95 ‘Bear H’ aircraft. We monitored their progress, including handing them over to Danish F-16 QRA aircraft as the Bears flew towards Denmark, then continued to monitor them as they returned and then departed towards Norwegian airspace. During the sortie we air refuelled from a RAF Voyager aircraft, from RAF Brize Norton, to increase our airborne endurance. Intercepting Russian Bear aircraft is a routine occurrence for us, it’s what we do to maintain UK Sovereign airspace.”
Cam ciudat cum rusii îi violeaza doar pe saracii scotieni (cînd este nevoie),care vor umpic de ‘autonomie’.