Un elicopter sirian care a violat spatiul aerian al Turciei a fost doborat de avioane de vanatoare F-16. Informatia a fost data chiar de premierul Erdogan.
Ulterior, Statul Major a intervenit, oferind o serie de clarificari.
Astfel, stim acum ca un elicopter Mi-17 apartinand Siriei a violat spatiul aerian al Turciei. Pilotii au fost somati de ofiterii Centrului Unificat de Avertizare din Diyarbakir sa isi anunte intentiile, insa au refuzat sa faca acest lucru.
In aceste conditii au fost alertate doua avioane F-16 aflate in alarma. Acestea au interceptat elicopterul si pentru ca acesta a ignorat din nou somatiile, l-au doborat.
Turcii anunta ca Mi-17 a fost lovit pe cand se afla la un kilometru in spatele granitei lor, insa ca acesta a cazut in partea siriana.
A syrian helicopter that violated turkish airspace was shot down by F-16s fighter jets. This information was given by Turkey deputy PM Erdogan.
Subsequently, the General Staff intervened, providing a range of clarifications.
Thus, we now know that a Mi-17 helicopter belonging to Syria violated Turkish airspace. Pilots have been ordered by officers from Unified Warning Center in Diyarbakir to announce their intentions, but they refused to do so.
In these conditions, two F-16s fighter jets were alerted. They intercepted the helicopter, but syrian pilots still refused to communicate, so the helicopter was shot down.
Turks announce that Mi-17 helicopter was hit while he was a mile behind their border, but it fell into the Syrian territory.
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