Prima zi a Dubai Airshow 2013 a fost una istorica pentru Boeing, producatorul nord-american primind comenzi uriase, in valoare de aproximativ 100 de miliarde de dolari.
Ettihad a deschis „balul” cu o comanda pentru 56 de avioane B777-8X, B777-9X si B787-10, plus optiunea pentru alte 26 de aparate.
A urmat lovitura celor de la Emirates, care au comandat 150 de avioane B777X, plus optiunea de a suplimenta numarul lor cu alte 50.
Operatorul low-cost Fly Dubai nu a stat deoparte si a semnat un contract pentru achizitia a 111 avioane B737. Cei de la Qatar Airways au semnat si ei pentru 50 de bucati de B777X.
Asa cum am spus, a fost o zi istorica pentru Boeing. Proaspat lansatul Boeing 777X a fost comandat intr-un numar de 269 de exemplare (inclusiv comanda nemtilor de la Lufthansa, anuntata inainte de Dubai), devenind cel mai de succes avion wide-body din istorie.First day of the Dubai Airshow 2013 was a historic one for Boeing, the north-american producer receiving huge orders, worth about 100 billion dollars.
Ettihad opened the „ball” with an order for 56 Boeings 777-8X, 777-9X and 787-10, plus option for another 26 units. Then, Emirates released a bombshell, with an order for 150 B777Xs, plus the option for another 50.
Fly Dubai hasn’t stood aside and signed a contract for purchase of 111 B737, most of them re-engined 737Max. Qatar Airways signed also an agreement for 50 B777X.
As I said, it was a historic day for Boeing. Newly launched Boeing 777X was commissioned in a number of 269 (including order from Lufthansa, announced before Dubai), becoming the most successful wide-body aircraft in history.
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