Doua bombardiere rusesti au alertat Marea Britanie si OlandaTwo Russian bombers alerted England and Netherlands

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RAF Typhoon with Russian Bear-H AircraftFortele Aeriene Ruse continua sa intreprinda misiuni provocatoare in apropierea statelor NATO. Doua bombardiere rusesti au alertat Marea Britanie si Olanda.

Cele doua avioane au efectuat un zbor in apropierea Scotiei si au fost intercteptate de doua aparate Eurofighter Typhoon ale RAF. Britanicii precizeaza ca rusii s-au aflat tot timpul in spatiul aerian international.

Un incident mai grav a avut loc in Olanda, acolo unde rusii au violat spatiul aerian national al batavilor.

Jumatate de mila ar fi patruns avioanele rusesti in spatiul aerian olandez inainte de a fi interceptate de doua F-16.

In ultimele saptamani asemenea zboruri ale rusilor au devenit o obisnuinta, pe fondul tensiunilor din Ucraina. Fortele NATO sunt alertate periodic in zona statelor baltice, in zona Marii Negre si, mai noi, in zona Marii Britanii, acolo unde a ajuns recent un distrugator rus. RAF Typhoon with Russian Bear-H AircraftRussian Air Force keeps sending it’s plane near NATO states borders. Two bombers alerted this week England and Netherlands.

The Russian bombers flew very close to brittish airspace, near Scotland. Two RAF’s Eurofighter Typhoon jets were sent to intercept the russians and escort them away.

In the Netherlands it was a bit more serious incident. The Russian bombers actually violated dutch airspace, entering a half of mile in their teritory, before being intercepted by a pair of F-16s.

About Post Author

Marius Doroftei

Fondator si redactor-sef al site-ului, jurnalist cu peste 10 ani de experienta in presa online, pasionat de tot ce tine de aviatie, in special de cea militara.
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