Danemarca pare ca a renuntat la ideea de a achizitiona F-35, cel putin deocamdata, si se intereseaza de Gripenul vecinilor suedezi.
O delegatie daneza, condusa de ministrul Apararii, Nicolai Wammen, si din care au mai facut parte comandantul Armatei si cel al Fortelor Aeriene, a ajuns in Suedia pentru a vedea la fata locului ce inseamna JAS 39 Gripen si cat de bine ar putea fi integrat multirolul in structura daneza.
Suedezii i-au primit cu bratele deschise si i-au tocmai la fabrica din Linkoping ca sa le arate linia de productie a Gripenului.
Danezii au aflat destul de multe detalii despre noul Gripen E/F iar unii dintre ei au avut sansa de a zbura cu un astfel de avion, in varianta clasica, D.
Danemarca a renuntat momentan la ideea de a cumpara direct F-35 si a anuntat ca va face un concurs de oferte. Nordicii au pus pe lista patru avioane multirol – F-35, Saab Gripen, F18 E/F si Eurofighter Typhoon – pe care le vor testa, le vor analiza, vor solicita reduceri din partea producatorilor si investitii din partea statelor respective.
Gurile rele spun ca licitatia are loc doar ca urmare a criticilor de prin presa iar castigatorul deja se stie, fiind vorba despre multpreacriticatul F-35.Denmark seems to have dropped, at least for now, at the idea of buying F -35 and is interested in Gripen, the multirole aircraft of Swedish neighbors.
A Danish delegation led by Defense Minister Nicolai Wammen, and which also included the commanders of the Army and the Air Force, arrived in Sweden to see what JAS 39 Gripen is capable and how well it could be integrated in the Danish army.
The Swedes received them with open arms and took them to Saab factory in Linkoping to show Gripen production line.
Danes have found quite a few details about the new Gripen E / F and some of them had the chance to actualy fly in such an airplane, in the classical D variant.
Denmark currently has given up the idea of direct buying F -35 and said it will hold a tender in order to choose the new Royal Danish Air Force fighter jet. Norse put on the list four multirole aircraft, F -35, Saab Gripen , F18 E / F and Eurofighter Typhoon, wich they will test, analyze, ask discounts from suppliers and investment from company countries.
Rumor says that F-35 is the plane already chosen and tender is only hold to stop criticism from the media.
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