Bulgaria ar putea cumpara avioane multirol din Israel. IAI Kfir vireaza spre Europa!Bulgaria could buy multi-role fighters from Israel. Kfir is turning to Europe!

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Kfir bulgariaDupa ce au ramas cu buza umflata din cauza Romaniei, tara care va achizitiona cele 12 aparate F-16 la mana a treia din Portugalia, bulgarii au primit o oferta cel putin surprinzatoare pentru a-si dota Fortele Aeriene cu un avion multirol. Israelul ar fi gata sa vanda cateva Kfir prin Europa si cauta clienti.

Din cate se pare, constructorul Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) este cel mai interesat de afacere, intrucat afacerile merg greu pe timp de criza. Astfel, sefii IAI au identificat nu mai putin de 50 de avioane Kfir casate de Aviatia Militara Israeliana care asteapta cuminti intr-o baza din sudul desertului Negev.

Dupa o scurta inspectie, inginerii IAI au constatat ca aparatele mai au inca destula viata in ele si se preteaza cum nu se poate mai bine unui proces de modernizare. Astfel, israelienii cauta acum clienti, propunand o versiune moderna, Block 60, pentru Kfir, versiune care ar raspunde cerintelor multor state.

Un prim client pentru Kfir-ul modernizat poate fi Bulgaria, tara ce vrea 9-10 avioane multirol la mana a doua. Israelienii le-au transmis partenerilor bulgari ca, daca sunt interesati, avioanele vor avea un pret foarte bun, in jur de o treime din costul oricarui multirol la mana a doua existent acum pe piata.

Se pare ca aceste aparate israeliene vor fi mai ieftine si decat celebrele F-16 portugheze!

IAI Kfir este un avion multirol dezvoltat in Israel pe platforma lui Mirage 5. Aparatul are insa avionica indigena si un motor construit, de asemenea, in „tara sfanta”, pe baza licentei pentru General Electric J79.

Fortele Aeriene Israeliene au renuntat la Kfir la mijlocul anilor ’90, dar este inca folosit in Columbia, Ecuador si Sri Lanka.
Kfir bulgariaBulgaria received an surprising offer, to say at least, in order to equip the Air Force with a multi-role aircraft . Israel would be ready to sell Kfir fighter jet in Europe and is looking for customers.

Apparently, the manufacturer Israel Aerospace Industries ( IAI ) is the most interested in this deal, probably because business is difficult in times of financial crisis. The IAI bosses have identified no less than 50 scrapped Kfir jets that are quietly awaiting in a air base from southern Negev desert .

After a brief inspection , engineers found that IAI planes still have plenty of life in them and are suitable for modernization. The Israelis are now seeking clients, offering a modern version, Block 60, for Kfir. It’s version that would meet the requirements of many states.

The first customer for the upgraded Kfir can be Bulgaria, a country that wants 9 or 10 second hand multirole aircraft. Israelis have already asked the Bulgarian partners if they are interested. They said that planes will have a very good price, about a third of the cost of any other second hand multirole on the market at this time.

It seems that these fighters will be cheaperi than the famous F -16 from Portugal!

IAI Kfir is a multi-role aircraft developed in Israel on Mirage 5 platform. The plane has indigenous avionics and the engine is also built in ” the Holy Land „, based on the General Electric J79 license .

Israeli Air Force dropped the Kfir in the mid ’90s , but its still used in Colombia , Ecuador and Sri Lanka.

About Post Author

Marius Doroftei

Fondator si redactor-sef al site-ului AviatiaMagazin.com, jurnalist cu peste 10 ani de experienta in presa online, pasionat de tot ce tine de aviatie, in special de cea militara.
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