Brazilienii s-au dus in Suedia dupa GripenThe Brazilians went into Sweden after Gripen

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gripen cehiaUn grup de parlamentari brazilieni a vizitat recent Suedia, acolo unde au discutat despre posibilitatea achizitionarii avionului multirol Gripen NG, construit de Saab.

Deputatii si senatorii din „tara cafelei” s-au intalnit cu reprezentanti ai celor de la Saab, dar si cu factorii de decizie din cadrul guvernului suedez, discutiile fiind „foarte productive”.

Desi se parea ca Brazilia a optat pentru avionul american F-18 Super Hornet, parlamentarii de la Brasilia, si nu numai ei, se tem ca transferul tehnologic pentru care insista atat de mult nu va fi oferit de Statele Unite, asa ca acum exploreaza si alte optiuni.

Cum in finala programului FX-2 au intrat, pe langa F-18, Gripen si Rafale, au fost demarate cu suedezii si francezii pentru a stabili care este cel mai avantajos program de achizitie.

Parlamentarii brazilieni vor intocmi un raport pe care il vor inainta presedintelui Dilma Rouseff, cu recomandarea cumpararii unui anumit tip de avion.gripen cehiaA group of senators and deputies was in Sweden last week, where they discussed the possibility of buying the multi-role fighter aircraft Gripen NG, built by Saab.

MPs from „the cofee country” met with representatives of the Saab company, resulting in „very productive discussions”.

Although it seemed that Brazil has opted for the U.S.made multi-role fighter F-18 Super Hornet, lawmakers in Brasilia, and not only them, fear that the technology transfer that they insisted so much, will not be offered by the United States after all, so now they are exploring and other options.

Finalists of the FX-2 acquisition programe, besides the F-18, were the Saab Gripen and the Dassault Rafale, so noe the swedes and the french are called to negotiations to determine the most advantageous acquisition program for the country.

Brazilian lawmakers will prepare a report that it will be submited to President Dilma Rouseff, recommending the purchase of a certain fighter aircraft.

About Post Author

Marius Doroftei

Fondator si redactor-sef al site-ului, jurnalist cu peste 10 ani de experienta in presa online, pasionat de tot ce tine de aviatie, in special de cea militara.
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