Accident incredibil: Un parasutist a fost lovit de avion | VideoSkydiver and plane collided in mid-air | Video

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avionUn accident de-a dreptul incredibil s-a petrecut sambata pe aeroportul South Lakeland, Florida. Un parasutist a fost lovit de un avion cu cateva momente inainte de a atinge pamantul. Surprinzator, n-au existat rani serioase pentru cei implicati.

Sharon Trembley, in varsta de 87 de ani, veteran din al doilea razboi mondial, efectua manevre touch-and-go pe pista aeroportului din Florina. La a treia trecere, pe traiectorie a aparut parasutistul John Frost, in varsta de 49 de ani.

Aripa dreapta a avionului Cessna a agatat parasuta lui Frost iar acesta a fost aruncat cativa metri buni inainte de lua contact cu solul. Aparatul lui Trembley s-a prabusit imediat, insa, fiind la o inaltime foarte mica, veteranul pilot a scapat nevatamat.

Asa cum era de asteptat, autoritatile au demarat o ancheta.

avionTwo men were hurt Saturday morning when a plane collided with the parachute of a skydiver in Mulberry. The Polk County Sheriff’s Office says the pilot, 87-year-old Sharon Trembley, a World War II veteran, was doing touch-and-goes in his private Cessna at the South Lakeland Airport; that’s when a plane touches down briefly then takes off again.

During his third pass, the passenger side wing of his plane clipped a skydiver’s parachute, cutting the chute and tossing the skydiver into the air about 75-feet above the ground.

„I have never seen anything like this and this is the last thing I thought I’d see today,” said Tim Telford, who took pictures of the midair collision as it happened.

The skydiver, 49-year-old John Frost of Gainesville, was flung to the earth. The plane nose-dived into the ground.

Read the full story on Fox Tampa Bay

About Post Author

Marius Doroftei

Fondator si redactor-sef al site-ului, jurnalist cu peste 10 ani de experienta in presa online, pasionat de tot ce tine de aviatie, in special de cea militara.
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