Uriasul Boeing Dreamlifter „captiv” pe aeroportul Jabara a reusit sa decoleze | VideoThe giant Boeing Dreamlifter „trapped” at Jabara Airport finaly took-off | Video

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Clipboard01Uriasul avion Boeing 747 Dreamlifter care a aterizat pe un aeroport gresit si a ramas apoi „captiv” deoarece pista era prea mica, a reusit, in sfarsit, sa plece catre destinatie.

Povestea Dreamlifterului care a ajuns pe aeroportul Jabara, Wichita, a facut inconjurul lumii. Avionul trebuia sa aterizeze la baza aeriana McConnell, insa a ajuns pe un micut aeroport civil aflat la aproximativ 9 mile distanta de destinatie. Iar cum pista de la Jabara era prea scurta pentru uriasul avion, acesta a ramas „captiv” in Wichita.

Dupa aproape 24 de ore si multe operatiuni la sol, Boeingul a reusit sa decoleze si sa se indrepte catre McConnell AFB.

Evenimentul a provocat un interes atat de mare, incat mai multe televiziuni nord-americane au transmis in direct decolarea Dreamlifterului.

Clipboard01The giant Boeing 747 Dreamlifter that landed on wrong airrport and remained „trapped” there because the runway was too short, managed to finally took-off and get to the destination.

The story of the Dreamlifter which reached Jabara Airport, Wichita, was worldwide news. The plane had to land at McConnell Air Force Base, but instead got on small civilian airport located about 9 miles away from the destination. And as the runway was too short for the giant plane, it remained „trapped” in Wichita.

After almost 24 hours and many ground operations, the Boeing airplane was able to take off and head to McConnell AFB.

The event was broadcasted live on many american TV stations.

About Post Author

Marius Doroftei

Fondator si redactor-sef al site-ului AviatiaMagazin.com, jurnalist cu peste 10 ani de experienta in presa online, pasionat de tot ce tine de aviatie, in special de cea militara.
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