Un avion J-22 Orao, varianta sarba a lui IAR-93, s-a prabusit vineri in apropierea orasului Cacak, din centru Serbiei.
Din primele informatii, „Vulturul” (Orao) Fortelor Aeriene Sarbe efectua un zbor test, insa cauzele accidentului nu sunt cunoscute. Pilotul, maiorul Ivan Pantic, s-a salvat prin catapultare iar starea lui este buna, dupa cum anunta autoritatile de la Belgrad.
Avionul a cazut in zona localitatilor Mrcajevci si Slatina, un mic incendiu izbucnind acolo, stins insa rapid de pompieri.
Dupa cum anunta presa locala, este al saselea avion militar care se prabuseste in Serbia in ultimii cinci ani.
Imagini cu epava aparatului J-22 Orao puteti vedea accesand acest link.
Foto: mycity.co.yuA J-22 Orao fighter jet, Serbian version of Romanian IAR-93, crashed on Friday near the town of Cacak, central Serbia.
From the first information, the Serbian Air Force „Eagle” (Orao) was on an test flight, but the causes of the accident are not yet known. The pilot, Major Ivan Pantic, was saved by the ejection seat and his condition is good.
The plane crashed betwen Mrcajevci and Slatina villages and a small fire broke out there, but it was quickly extinguished by the firefighters.
As local media reported, thus is the sixth military plane crashes in Serbia in the last five years.
You can see a video with Orao’s wreck by clicking this link.
Photo: mycity.co.yu
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