Thunderbirds, formatia de acrobatie a Fortelor Aeriene ale Statelor Unite (USAF), a ajuns la demonstratia cu numarul 2.000 cu avioane F-16 Fighting Falcon.
Evenimentul a avut loc recent, in cadrul unui show aerian organizat la Columbus AFB, Mississippi.
Thunderbirds zboara cu F-16 din august 1982.
At a recent air show hosted by Columbus AFB, Miss., the U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds performed their 2,000th official demonstration in the F-16 Fighting Falcon.
The Thunderbirds, officially known as the U.S. Air Force Air Demonstration Squadron, have been flying the multi-role fighter aircraft since August 1982. The unit, which dates back to 1953, has flown the F-16 for more than half of its history.
„The F-16 is a remarkable and dependable aircraft,” said Capt. Lucas Buckley, Thunderbirds maintenance officer.
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