Protestul fata de inceperea exploatarii de la Rosia Montana a luat inaltime. Mai multi parapantisti clujeni au purtat bannere pe care scria „salvati Rosia Montana”.
Vineri, 4 octombrie, mai multi parapantisti si-au luat zborul din localitatea Dezmir, din apropierea Clujului, purtand mesaje de protest fata de exploatarea de la Rosia Montana.
Cateva minute bune acestia au afisat respectivele bannere deasupra celui mai important oras din Ardeal.
Mii de romani protesteaza de saptamani bune fata de proiectul exploatarii miniere de la Rosia Montana, considerand ca demararea lucrarilor ar provoca un adevarat dezastru ecologic in zona.
Foto via Facebook.Protest regarding start of mining operations at Rosia Montana went up in the air. Several paragliders from Cluj flew holding several banners with the message „Save Rosia Montana”.
Friday, October 4, several paragliders took off from hills in Dezmir, near Cluj, carrying messages of protest against exploitation at Rosia Montana.
For several minutes they posted those banners over the most important city in Transylvania.
Thousands of Romanians protest for weeks against the mining project at Rosia Montana, considering that starting of operations there would cause a real ecological disaster in the whole area.
Photos via Facebook.
Ar fi minunat daca protestatarii anti Rosia Montana s-ar informa inainte sa protesteze aiurea, fara nici un fundament stiintific….