Japan Airlines a anuntat semnarea unui contract pentru cumpararea a 31 de avioane Airbus A350. Operatorul nipon are, de asemenea, optiunea de a suplimenta aceasta comanda cu alte 25 de aparate de zbor.
Din cele 31 de avioane comandate, 18 vor fi in versiunea A350-900 iar celelalte 13 in versiunea mai mare A350-1000. Ca motorizare, japonezii n-au avut ce alege intrucat singurul motor disponibil pentru acest aparat este Rolls-Royce Trent XWB.
Potrivit intelegerii dintre parti, noile avioane Airbus vor trebui sa intre in flota Japan Airlines incepand cu anul 2019, urmand a fi livrate pana in 2025.
Pentru Japan Airlines este primul contract cu producatorul european de avioane. De asemenea, intelegerea marcheaza prima vanzare de A350 in Japonia.Japan Airlines signed a contract for purchase 31 Airbus A350 aircrafts. Japanese operator also has the option for 25 aditional planes.
Of the 31 aircraft ordered, 18 will be in A350-900 version and the other 13 in the larger A350-1000 version. As for the engine, the Japanese did not have much of a choice because the only engine available for this airplane is the Rolls-Royce Trent XWB.
According to the agreement, the new Airbus jets will enter into the Japan Airlines fleet from 2019 and will be fully delivered by 2025.
For Japan Airlines is the first contract with the European aircraft manufacturer. Also, the agreement marks the first sale of A350 in Japan.
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