China ar fi reusit sa copieze avioanele Boeing 747, celebrele Jumbo Jet americane.
Dezvaluirea vine din partea unui pilot, care sustine ca a fost angajat sa zboare un asemenea avion copiat pe un aerodrom mai putin cunoscut din statul chinez.
Acesta a discutat cu Hugh Gallagher, reporter al publicatiei Newsweek, caruia i-a povestit cum a descoperit o multime de aparate copiate.
„In hangar erau 8 avioane, toate de culoare verde. Nu erau vopsite, pareau proaspat aduse din fabrica de la Boeing. Patru dintre avioane erau complete, insa celelalte patru erau dezmembrate intr-o multime de piese si parti componente. O mica armata de ingineri chinezi, dotata cu raportoare, rigle si smartphone-uri, masurau totul, pana la ultimul surub.”
China are o traditie in a copia diferitelor avioane pe care reuseste, intr-un fel sau altul, sa puna mana. Pana acum era vorba despre aparate sovietice/ rusesti, insa se pare ca si chinezii s-au reorientat catre Vest 🙂
China managed to copy Boeing 747, the american Jumbo Jet.
So says an annonymous pilot, wgo talked to Newsweek reporter Hugh Gallagher.
This pilot was contracted by chinesse to fly one of the copied 747s to a remote airport located somewhere in the communist country.
„Inside were eight planes. They were green—the metal looks like that on unpainted jets, bought factory fresh from Boeing. Four of these planes were intact, but the rest were meticulously dismantled into a universe of pieces spread in vast spirals that disappeared into the distant immensity of the hangar. The imported Singaporean metallurgist jumped out to join the Chinese engineers busily bootlegging away. Armed with protractors, rulers, clipboards, and smartphones, this minor army of reverse-engineering geniuses was measuring the dissected planes, right down to the length and thickness of screws.”
Nu uitati ca au clonat un alt Boeing – 707 ….