O aterizare banala pe micutul aeroport de pe insula Heligoland se putea transforma in tragedie dupa ce pilotul unui avion de agrement a atins solul (in fapt nisipul) inaintea pragului pistei.
Juergen Drucker, in varsta de 52 de ani, zbura cu avionul sau, un Piper PA-28-181 Archer II, in apropierea coastei nordice a Germaniei, La un moment dat, a luat decizia de a ateriza pe insula Heligoland.
Un concurs de imprejurari a facut ca pilotul sa vina prea jos la aterizare, avionul trecand la cativa centimetri, la propriu, pe deasupra unui turist aflat pe plaja din fata pistei aeroportului din Heligoland.
Piperul a lovit gardul care desparte aeroportul de plaja, a luat un prim contact cu nisipul, dupa care a sarit frumusel pe asfaltul pistei de aterizare, ruland in siguranta. In mod uimitor, nimeni nu a fost ranit iar avionul a avut pagube minore, reparate in decurs de cateva ore.
„In apararea mea pot spune ca nu l-am vazut pe turist pentru ca era intins. Sunt recunoscator ca nu s-a intamplat nimic grav, ca nu am aterizat pe el. Nu vreau sa spun nimic mai mult pentru ca sper sa nu imi fie suspendata licenta”, a declarat pilotul.
An common landing at the little airport on Heligoland Island could turn into tragedy after a pilot narrowly avoided sunbather.
Juergen Drucker, 52, flew his plane, a Piper PA 28-181 Archer II, over the north coast of Germany and at one point he decided to land on Heligoland Island. The german pilot came down too early and his plane passed just a few inches, literally, over a tourist that was lying on the beach.
The plane hit the fence that separates airport from the beach, took a first contact with the sand then jumped on runway, running safely. Amazingly, no one was hurt and the plane had only minor damages
„In my defence I can say that I didn’t see him because he was lying down and I’m just very grateful it worked out well and I didn’t land on him. I don’t want to say any more than that. I fear I will be in for a fine from the Federal Aviation Office but I hope I will be able to keep my licence”, said the pilot.
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