Romania, primita in „familia F-16”Romania was welcomed in the „F-16 family”

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f16 mig 21Romania a fost primita oficial in „familia” operatorilor de avioane F-16 din intreaga lume.

O ceremonie a avut loc la Romaero, in prima zi a Black Sea Defense & Aerospace 2014.

In cazul in care ati uitat, tara noastra a achizitionat 12 avioane F-16 Bk.15 la mana a treia din Portugalia, via Statele Unite. Aparatele de zbor sunt supuse unor lucrari de RK si modernizare, urmand a ajunge in tara la sfarsitul anului 2016.f16 mig 21Romania was officially welcomed into the F-16 operator family at a reception preceding the Black Sea Defense Aerospace tradeshow in Bucharest on 13 May 2014.

Romania signed a Letter of Offer and Acceptance with the US Government in December 2013 which provides programmatic support to a US-approved third party transfer of F-16 aircraft from Portugal to Romania.

That agreement calls for the delivery of twelve F-16 Block 15 midlife upgrade aircraft to Romania beginning in 2016. Lockheed Martin will design, integrate, and support the installation of updated F-16 software. The Romanian Air Force will be the twenty-eighth F-16 operator worldwide.

More than 4,540 F-16 aircraft have been delivered to date, and production is expected to continue through 2017.

Via Code One Magazine

About Post Author

Marius Doroftei

Fondator si redactor-sef al site-ului, jurnalist cu peste 10 ani de experienta in presa online, pasionat de tot ce tine de aviatie, in special de cea militara.
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3 thoughts on “<!--:ro-->Romania, primita in „familia F-16”<!--:--><!--:en-->Romania was welcomed in the „F-16 family”<!--:-->

  1. Asta cu familia si mie imi suna cam asa…..Romania(mireasa) estea ce-a de-a 28 fata pe care o testeaza Nasul(LM) inaintea finului(MAPN-ul), ca sa se asigure ca-i meserie fata si nu se incurca fraierul prin asternuturi in timp ce se joaca cu ea! 🙂

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