China pregateste lansarea a doua noi proiecte de avioane de lupa stealth, de generatia a cincea. Astfel, dupa J-20 si J-31, aflate in faza de preproductie, se pare ca urmeaza J-23 si J-25.
Avantul industriei aeronautice chineze este impresionant iar daca cele doua noi proiecte se vor materializa China va deveni prima tara din lume cu patru avioane de generatia a V-a.
Potrivit unor informatii publicate pe mai multe medii de comunicare chinezesti, aceste doua avioane se vor replici directe la F-22 american, pe care isi propun sa-l depaseasca.
J-23 va fi dezvoltat de Shenyang Aviation Corporation si este intr-un fel similar cu F-22, cu un fuselaj ceva mai lung si cele doua derive in forma de V. Se incearca, de asemenea, introducerea motoarelor cu tractiune vectoriala.
De cealalta parte, J-25 va fi dezvoltat de Chengdu Aviation Corporation si, potrivit raportului din presa, va fi cel mai avansat avion de lupta de pe planeta, avand capacitatea de a dobori un F-22 in cateva secunde. Nu ni se spune insa si cum se va intampla asta, insa asteptam sa vedem ce se va intampla.
Cu aceste doua noi aparate China ar vrea sa devina principala putere aeriana a planetei, peste SUA si aliatii ei.The J-20 and J-31, China’s first two stealth fighters, are still in development, however secrets regarding two more fifth-generation fighters, reportedly the J-23 and J-25, have been revealed on Chinese military websites, reports the Chinese-language news portal Qianzhan.
The J-23 fighter, designed by Shenyang Aviation Corporation, is no longer an aircraft based on Russian technology, the report said. Shenyang Aviation Corporation has instead chosen to model the J-23 based on the F-22 Raptor of the United States Air Force as it will provide the PLA Air Force or Navy Air Force a better chance to combat American fighters in a potential conflict.
According to the leaked details, the J-23 has a longer fuselage and two V-shaped vertical tails which look very similar to the ones used by the F-22. If China is able to introduce a 117S thrust vector control engine from Russia, the maneuverability of the J-23 will also be enhanced gradually, the report said.
China’s military has yet to provide details on the development of the J-23; however, political analyst and blogger Chan Kaiye said the fighter has already been used in military drills as enemy aircraft due to its similar appearance to the F-22.
Meanwhile, the J-25, China’s fourth stealth fighter designed by the Chengdu Aviation Corporation, has the capacity to shoot down an F-22 in just a few seconds, the report said, adding that the fighter, nicknamed „ghost bird,” may also be one of the world’s most advanced stealth fighters thanks to China’s 3D printing technology. Analysts claim that J-25’s primary mission is to challenge the dominance of the United States and its allies in the airspace over the Western Pacific as China’s future carrier-based fighter.
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