Dubai Airshow 2013: Comenzile Airbus din prima ziDubai Airshow 2013: Airbus orders in the first day

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A350Daca Boeing a fost vedeta incontestabila a primei zile de la Dubai Airshow 2013, marele rival al americanilor, Airbus, nu a stat degeaba. Europenii au vandut si ei o multime de avioane, chiar daca nu la nivelul „dusmanilor”.

Emirates a fost primul operator care a plasat o comanda si ce comanda a fost: 50 de avioane Airbus A380.

Qatar Airways a comandat cinci aparate A330-200 cargo iar Ettihad a plusat cu o comanda pentru 117 avioane impartita intre A320neo, A330 cargo si A350 XWB.

Desi, la o prima vedere, comenzile primite de Airbus sunt mult inferioare celor ale Boeing, valoarea lor totala depaseste 42 de miliarde de dolari. In plus, se asteapta o contraofensiva a europenilor pe finalul Dubai Airshow 2013, cand noul A350 XWB ar trebui sa echilibreze balanta comenzilor. A350If Boeing was the undeniable star of the day at Dubai Airshow 2013, the americans rival, Airbus, didn’t just stand and wached. Europeans sold also a lot of airplanes.

Emirates was the first operator who placed an order and what order it was: 50 Airbus A380s.

Qatar Airways has ordered five A330-200 Freighters and Ettihad raised the stakes with an order for 117 A320Neos, A330 Freighters and A350 XWBs.

Although, at first glance, orders received by Airbus are much lower than those of Boeing, their total value exceeds 42 billion dollars. In addition, many expect that new A350XWB would even the score of orders by the end of Dubai Airshow 2013.

About Post Author

Marius Doroftei

Fondator si redactor-sef al site-ului, jurnalist cu peste 10 ani de experienta in presa online, pasionat de tot ce tine de aviatie, in special de cea militara.
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