„Noile” avioane multirol ale Romaniei, cele 12 F-16 cumparate din Portugalia la mana a treia, vor fi repartizate Flotilei 86 Aeriene, de pe aerodromul Borcea.
Anuntul a fost facut, asa cum poate va asteptati, de partenerul lusitan. Asta pentru ca ai nostri politicieni si militari deopotriva sunt prea ocupati sa ne minta cu privire la cat de minunate sunt vechiturile avioanele aduse din Portugalia.
Concret, in perioada 14-18 octombrie o delegatie a Fortelor Aeriene Romane a intreprins o vizita oficiala in Portugalia pentru a afla detalii despre utilizarea F-16. Desi noi credem ca treaba asta ar fi trebuit facuta inainte de a selecta F-16 ca avion al Fortelor Aeriene, dar ce stim noi?
In comunicatul oficial, portughezii scriu negru pe alb ca baza aeriana de la Borcea, din apropierea orasului Fetesti, se pregateste sa primeasca escadrila de F-16 iar specialistii romani au dorit sa afle ce lucrari de infrastructura ar fi necesare pentru operarea acestui tip de avion.
Din ce am aflat noi, structura Fortelor Aeriene, incepand cu anul 2017, va fi urmatoarea:
– la Borcea escadrila de F-16
– la Campia Turzii o escadrila largita (16-18 avioane) de MiG-21
– la Otopeni ramane transportulThe „new” multi-role fighter jets of Romanian Air Force, the 12 F-16s bought from Portugal at third hand will be assigned to 86th Air Flotilla 86, at Borcea AFB.
The announcement was made by portuguese partner. That’s because of our politicians and military officials alike are too busy lying to us about how wonderful are those aiplanes bought from Portugal.
From 14 to 18 October a delegation of the Romanian Air Force undertook an official visit to Portugal to learn more about using the F-16s. Although we believe that this work should have been done before selecting the F-16 for the Air Force, but what do we know ?
In the official press release, the Portuguese said that Borcea AFB, near the city Fetesti, is modernized in order to receive the F-16 squadron, so the romanian specialists wanted to know what infrastructure works would be required to operate this type of aircraft.
From what we found out , the structure of the Air Force since 2017 will be:
– The F -16 squadron at Borcea AFB
– An enlarged squadron (16-18 planes ) of MiGs 21 at Campia Turzii AFB
– Transport planes at Otopeni AFB
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