Un Dreamliner al Air India a pierdut un panou din fuselaj in timpul zborului | FotoOne Air India Dreamliner lost a panel from the fuselage in flight | Photo

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dreamliner air indiaUnul din avioanele Boeing 787 Dreamliner ale Air India a fost implicat intr-un incident aproape incredibil, un panou desprinzandu-se pur si simplu din fuselaj in timpul zborului.

Incidentul s-a petrecut sambata trecuta cu aparatul care efectua cursa dintre New Delhi si Bangalore.

Dreamlinerul a ajuns la Bangalore cu 148 de persoane la bord, inclusiv membrii echipajului, si abia la sol, cand tehnicienii il pregateau pentru urmatorul zbor, a fost observat panoul lipsa.

O gaura apreciabila de doi metri si jumatate pe un metru a fost descoperita in partea din spate a avionului, insa oficialii companiei si cei ai Boieing sustin ca singuranta pasagerilor nu a fost pusa in pericol.

Pentru a rezolva problema, panoul „pierdut” in timpul zborului a fost demontat de pe un avion Dreamliner nou nout al Air India, care acum asteapta intr-un hangar din Bangalore livrarea piesei de catre Boeing.

Iata gaura din Dreamlinerul Air India:

panou air india

Foto via Times of Indiadreamliner air indiaOne Boeing 787 Dreamliner of Air India was involved in an almost incredible incident. A quite large panel has simply detachedfrom the fuselage in the middle of a flight.

The incident occurred last Saturday, when the aircraft made a trip between New Delhi and Bangalore.

The Dreamliner flew to Bangalore with 148 people on board, including crew members, and only on the ground the technicians observed the missing panel, while preparing the plane for the next flight. An appreciable hole, measuring six feet by two feet was discovered in the back of the plane, but company and Boieing officials said thar passenger safety was not in danger.

To solve the problem, the panel „lost” during the flight was replaced with another, from a brand new Dreamliner recently recevied by Air India. This plane is now waiting in a hangar in Bangalore for Boeing to deliver that panel.

This is the hole in Air India’s Dreamliner:

panou air india

Photo via Times of India

About Post Author

Marius Doroftei

Fondator si redactor-sef al site-ului AviatiaMagazin.com, jurnalist cu peste 10 ani de experienta in presa online, pasionat de tot ce tine de aviatie, in special de cea militara.
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