Avioane ale Fortelor Aeriene Siriene au fost surprinse atacand pozitiile insurgentilor cu care regimul Assad se lupta deja de peste doi ani.
In clipul video postat pe internet, a carui calitate este destul de slaba, se poate vedea cu usurinta un aparat sirian, foarte probabil un MiG-23, care apare deasupra pozitiilor rebelilor si lanseaza mai multe bombe.
Apoi, fiind probabil atacat de la sol, lanseaza cateva flares si dispare catre aerodrom.
Aparatele Fortelor Aeriene Siriene au fost filmate de mai multe ori deasupra pozitiilor insurgentilor, insa era vorba doar despre misiuni de supraveghere, nu de atac.
Syrian Air Force fighter jets were filmed while attacking insurgent positions in the country.
In the video posted on the Internet, whose quality is quite poor, we can easily see a Syrian jet, most likely a MiG-23, which appears above the rebel positions and launches few bombs. Then, probably being attacked from the ground, it launches several flares and goes back to the airfield.
Syrian Air Force fighter jets were filmed several times over the insurgent positions, but at the time were only surveillance missions, not ground attack.
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