David Riggs, unul dintre cei mai controversati piloti din lume, a murit, marti, dupa ce avionul in care se afla s-a prabusit intr-un lac din China. Alaturi de Riggs si-a pierdut viata si o localnica, care activa ca translator si care se afla la bord.
Americanul a ajuns in China pentru a participa la un miting aerian si a murit in timp ce isi pregatea evolutia.
In cursul zilei de marti, Riggs s-a urcat in avionul sau, un Lancair 320, si a decolat avand-o alaturi pe translatora pusa la dispozitie de organizatori. In timpul unor manevre efectuate la mica inaltime, pe ploaie, aparatul s-a prabusit in lacul Caihu, din apropierea orasului Shenyang.
Initial a fost gasit doar trupul femeii, cel al lui David Riggs fiind descoperit abia vineri de scafandri chinezi.
O comisie de ancheta va investiga aceasta tragedie pentru a stabili cauzele accidentului.
David Riggs a fost unul dintre cei mai controversati piloti acrobati din lume. Daca pe propriul site americanul se lauda cu peste 30 de experienta, cu zeci de filme si emisiuni TV in care a zburat si cu numeroase mitinguri la care a participat, specialistii din domeniu n-au deloc cuvinte de lauda la adresa lui.
Ca pilot a fost extrem de hazardat, zborul cu el alaturi fiind realmente periculos. De asemenea, a fost implicat intr-o multime de scandaluri, fiind acuzat de o paleta larga de infractiuni.
De altfel, licenta de pilot ii fusese suspendata de autoritatile americane inca de anul trecut, dupa ce un zbor in celula cu doua avioane L-39 s-a sfarsit tragic, colegul lui Riggs prabusindu-se.David Riggs, one of the most controversial pilots in the world, died on Tuesday after his plane was crashed into a lake in China. Along Riggs lost her life a local woman who worked as a translator and who was on board.
The american arrived in China to participate at a air rally and died while preparing his evolution.
On Tuesday, Riggs climbed into his plane, a Lancair 320, and took off with the young translator. During maneuvers performed at low height, in the rain, the plane crashed in Lake Caihu, near the city of Shenyang.
Initially only the woman’s body was found, only in Friday chinese divers dicovering David Riggs body. A commission of inquiry will investigate this tragedy to determine causes of the accident.
David Riggs was one of the most controversial acrobatic pilots in the world. On his own website, the american boasts over 30 years of experience with dozens movies and TV shows in which he flew and numerous meetings attended. However, the aviation specialists have no good words about him.
As a pilot he was extremely hazardous, flying with him being really dangerous. He also was involved in a lot of scandals, being accused of a wide range of offenses.
Moreover, his pilot’s license had been suspended by the FAA since last year.