Olanda cumpara F-35, dar reduce numarul de avioaneNetherlands still buys the F-35, but fewer than expected

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f-35Guvernul olandez a confirmat optiunea statului european de a achizitiona avioane multirol de generatia a cincea, F-35 Lightning II. Batavii vor insa mult mai putine aparate decat estimau initial.

Guvernantii olandezi sunt de acord cu varianta achizitionarii F-35, insa au rezervat pentru acest proces mult mai putini bani decat se astepta producatorul american.

Potrivit unei informari oficiale, Olanda este gata sa plateasca 4,5 miliarde de euro pentru avionul multirol american, estimarile oficialilor precizand ca aceasta suma ar fi suficienta pentru 37 de aparate.

Mai mult decat atat, batavii ar urma sa primeasca primele F-35 incepand cu anul 2019, livrarile urmand a fi incheiate in 2024, atunci cand intreaga flota de avioane multirol de generatia cinci ar trebui sa fie operationala si sa inlocuiasca total batranele F-16.

Vestea este dulce-amara pentru americani. Pe de o parte, este excelent ca au reusit sa pastreze in cadrul programului un partener important si un aliat traditional. Pe de alta parte, reducerea numarului de avioane comandate ar putea avea efecte majore asupra programului de dezvoltare si, mai ales, asupra costului final.f-35The Dutch government has confirmed the European state option to purchase the fifth generation multirole aircraft, F-35 Lightning II. The Dutch will, however, buy far fewer devices than originally estimated.

Dutch governors agree to purchase F-35 fighter, but reserved for far less money to process than the U.S. producer expected.

According to official information, the Netherlands is ready to pay 4.5 billion euros for the american multirole aircraft and the officials estimate that this amount would be sufficient for 37 devices.

Moreover, dutch would receive the first F-35 in 2019 and deliveries will be completed in 2014, when the entire fleet of the fifth generation multirole aircraft should be operational and allready replacing all „old ladies” F-16 .

The news is bittersweet for Americans. On the one hand, its great that they managed to preserve an important partner and a traditional ally in the program. On the other hand, reducing the number of aircraft ordered can have major impact on program development and, especially, the final cost of the fighter.

About Post Author

Marius Doroftei

Fondator si redactor-sef al site-ului AviatiaMagazin.com, jurnalist cu peste 10 ani de experienta in presa online, pasionat de tot ce tine de aviatie, in special de cea militara.
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