CEO-ul Lufthansa paraseste companiaLufthansa CEO leaves company

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lufthansaChristoph Franz, CEO-ul Lufthansa, va parasi compania la finalul mandatului, in aprilie 2014. Vestea, care a aparut prima data in presa din Elvetia, a fost confirmata de Lufthansa.

Franz nu este nemultumit in companie, insa a primit o oferta mult mai tentata, pe care a decis s-o accepte. Astfel, el va deveni din 2014, chairman al grupului farmaceuitic Roche.

Analistii cred insa ca Lufthansa va resimti aceasta plecare, Christoph Lutz fiind vectorul programului de restructurare implementat in cadrul companiei. Cum acest program este departe de a fi finalizat, nu putini sunt cei care se tem de evolutia acestuia.

Despre inlocuitorii lui Franz se speculeaza mult, insa Consiliul Director nu a decis inca daca se va opta pentru un CEO interimar, cu un mandat scurt, sau pentru unul cu atributii depline.lufthansaChristoph Franz, Lufthansa CEO, will leave the company at the end of the term, in April 2014. The news, which first appeared in the Swiss press, was confirmed by Lufthansa.

Franz is not unhappy with the company, but received a much more attractive offer, which he decided to accept. Thus, he will become chairman of the pharmaceutical group Roche from April 2014.

Analysts believe however that Lutz departure will be felt by Lufthansa, the CEO being a powerful vector in the restructuring program implemented at the company. As this program is far from complete, not few are those who have concerns about its evolution.

The Board has not yet decided whether it will opt for an interim CEO, with a short term, or for one with full powers to replace Christoph Lutz.

About Post Author

Marius Doroftei

Fondator si redactor-sef al site-ului, jurnalist cu peste 10 ani de experienta in presa online, pasionat de tot ce tine de aviatie, in special de cea militara.
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