Protestatarii care de cateva zile bune blocheaza bulevarde din centrul Bucurestiului sunt supravegheati cu drone, acestea fiind dotate cu camere video.
Mii de oameni au iesit in strada pentru a protesta fata de proiectul de exploatare miniera de la Rosia Montana. Daca in cazul altor manifestari publice fortele de ordine au intervenit in forta, de aceasta data s-a preferat monitorizarea protestatarilor.
Astfel, in mai toate zilele care s-au scurs de la debutul protestelor, pe deasupra oamenilor au zburat mici drone dotate cu camere video.
Daca prin tarile arabe protestatarii au atacat aceste aparate, reusind sa „doboare” unele dintre ele, la Bucuresti a fost liniste; oamenii si-au vazut de treaba in strada iar autoritatile au filmat ceea ce aveau de filmat.
Nu este insa prima data cand dronele sunt folosite pentru a supraveghea multimile din Bucuresti. In timpul protestelor din iarna lui 2012 aparate mult mai mari si mai performante au fost trimise deasupra multimilor.
Imagini via FacebookProtesters, who blocked Buchatest’s downtown boulevards several days in a row, are monitored drones, which are equipped with video cameras.
Thousands of people took the streets to protest against mining project in Rosia Montana. If in the case of other public events the police force intervened brutally, this time they preferred to only monitor protesters.
Thus, most days that have elapsed since the onset of protests, people saw drones equipped with cameras flying over them.
If in the Arab countries protesters attacked and even „shot down” some of these devices, in Bucharest was quiet; people protested quietly.
This is not the first time that drones are used to monitor crowds in Bucharest. During protests in the winter of 2012, much larger and more sophisticated were sent over crowds.
Photos via Facebook pages
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